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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

♥ Does bosses act as a structural support for our handphone cover?

I agree and yet disagree at the same time.
Here's my explanations ;D

I agree because without them, our handphones would be sloppy and out of shape, we would not be able to press the buttons or use the phone properly. It also makes the phone unique in its own way, having different shapes and colours, patterns as well.

I disagree because it is not very strong, if we drop it with a hard impact, some parts of phone may chip off, or the cover may drop off, for some not sturdy covers. I know this because this have happened to me alot of times before, poor cellphone of mine ):

And so! They invented handphone straps, pouches, and handphone socks to temporary protect your precious phone! Yay:D

5:15 AM

Monday, August 17, 2009

♥ The consequences of neglecting work safety rules;

From what I have learnt so far, these are the safety rules;
1. Do not work in the workshop unless the teacher/instructor is present.
2. Never use a machine unless you have been shown to.
3. When in doubt, always ask the teacher/intructor.
4. Report all accidents and injuries, whether slight or serious, to the teacher.
5. Know the location of the emergency stop switches; these will switch off all machines in the workshop.
6. Never run in the workshop, it may cause accidents.
7. Never carry sharp tools in your apron pocket.
8.Take extra-precautions when handling sharp-edged tools; keep your fingers away form sharp edges of cutting tools.

To me, work safety rules are very important to me as they can help prevent us from losing our precious lifes. Without this, we would go around the workshop getting injured at least once in a few minutes.
For example, if we run around in the workshop, we might trip over and bump into others, dragging them along with us, and maybe even falling onto machines. We would end up getting badly injured. Not only do we risk our own lifes, we risk many other's too.
Also, we must not put equipments, especially sharp ones, into the front pocket of our apron. You may never know, but if we fall, the sharp equipments may peirce into us, which can be extremely fatal.
We also need to know the location of the emergency stop switches; these would switch off all the machines the workshop, in case an accident happens, and we need to use it. For example, someone trips over his shoelace, and bumps onto someone, while he falls onto a running machine, the other guy bumps into another person, who was working with a machine. That person hurts himself, and causes a commotion. Under this circumstance, someone nearest to the emergency switch would switch off all the machines, before anyone could get hurt.

After reading all these consequenses, would you think twice before running around in the workshop, though you are in a hurry?

I'll end this post here with a big smile :D
Takecare everyone (:

6:44 AM

♥ theGrumpyToast ;

      theGrumpyToast is very grumpy. Beware, this toast bites.


          becky .(:
          Sweet Thirteeeen:D
          Proud student of class TWOFIVE♥(:
          This blog is for school purposes only.


          With soft gray eyes she gloomed and glowered;
          With soft red lips she sang a song:
          What knight might gaze upon her face,
          Nor fare along?

          For all her looks were full of spells,
          And all her words, of sorcery;
          And in some way they seemed to say,
          "Oh, come with me! oh, come with me!
          Oh, come with me, my love, Sir Kay!"--

          How should he know the witch, I trow,
          Morgan La Fey?

          -- Cawein, Madison J. (1865-1914), "Morgan La Fey"

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